Sunday 9 September 2012

Scripture Power

Once upon a time I was texting my friend and we came upon the subject of our favorite scriptures.
He told me his and explained why it was his favorite.
I loved his interpretation of it. and then it hit me.
The scriptures are the BEST, but sometimes we don't realize how awesome and inspiring they are until someone points it out to us.

So it's all pretty simple.
I've been asking everyone and anyone, "What is your favorite scripture and why?"
and by anyone, I really do mean ANYONE.
I think its important to realize that you can receive inspiration from God no matter who you are or what you're going through.
It doesn't matter where you live.
It doesn't matter how strong your testimony is.
It doesn't matter if you're rich or poor.
It doesn't matter what religion you believe.
It doesn't matter if you are a man or woman or boy or girl.
If you're looking for an answer, God will give you one.

I know from experience one of the best ways to receive personal revelation is by reading the scriptures and likening them to our own lives just like Nephi says in the book of Mormon, "For I did liken all scriptures unto us, that it might be for our profit and learning."

The purpose of this blog is simple.
To share the gospel of Jesus Christ through the scriptures (and personal revelation) and to hopefully inspire others to go and receive their own revelation from their Heavenly Father.
I love to hear the personal revelation God has given his children, it's a huge testimony builder.

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